This little beauty was in my BEDROOM! Hiding along the skirting board. In previous months I would have found it only when it bit me when I picked up the cloths. But today, the room was clean so I saw it and disposed of it. See the blood, snakes not mine.
It is a bit bigger than in the picture. Yellow bellied black snake.. YUCK. Like I know about bed snakes , happen to be on good terms with one, but a Poisonous Snake. Shudder.
Still I did get some knitting done. I have allmost finished one of the heels on the bloke's black socks, just have to keep plugging on with it. I will finish his bloody socks!
Bye, one eye open for snakes now.
You are a brave woman! My dogs keep killing garter snakes in the yard and I have to get rid of them..but it is really no comparison to what you just did. Thank goodness for the sock needle. Wow.
I knew living "down under" was a whole different way of life, but my god poisonous snakes? in the bedroom? I had a garter snake in my basement once and I still don't go down there.
Are these kind of snakes a major problem in your area? Am glad you are ok still, is kind of a shame it had to be killed. snakes are beautiful in their own strange way. someday would love to see your part of the world. rj
OMG! Did you do for him with a knitting needle? That's one neat kill.
Kewl Kill. LOL. Havent seen a snake close up for a while so I can say Im glad it was ur bedroom and not mine, cause I dont walk around anymore with a sock needle in my hair. (kept forgetting where I put em).
I bet ur man will be happy to get his socks after all this, if not bloody stab him with the needle too hahaha.
I haven't come across any at my school yet( I'm the gardener) but would love to grab one by the neck Steve Urwin style and take it in to the registrars office and ask what would she like me to do with it!
I got a neat result with the mice I found!shrieks abounded!!!!!!
I did actually have the nick name of Mrs Urwin (Crocodile Hunter) when I rescued a friend and her husband from a Western Brown in their lounge room.It was only 2 foot long! My Boys were thrilled with the night adventure and spent many days after discussing it as a specimum!
You are AWESOME! Yet another reason why sock knitting is so wonderful - Pest Control...
Hee. You Aussie gals are amazing women! Snake wrestling and gorgeous knitting, too. *g*
he bub ewe gee gooo WHAT?? snakes IN your bed. yeah so I was supposed to spend a semester abroad in Australia. That's it. I'm calling it off. And how poisinous is that black snake? Good Good job killing it. Teach me how before I come to Australia?
Holy crap!!!
I was in Australia last year and had a "run-in" with a huntsman spider---OMIGOSH---it was the scariest thing ever. I read that of the worlds' ten deadliest animals, 8 of them live in Australia--but what a GORGEOUS country you have. Loved Phillip Island, Melbourne, Echuca, Sydney--want to go back!
Hang on - did you actually kill it with a knitting needle? That's the story that's going round the world, but you don't actually say that.
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