What it is. How long did it take for me to spin ONE bobbin of fine yarn. A single not a ply.
Pictured Left.
There is one week until the end of the comp. The winner will receive a skein of the yarn. Pure fine merino. Two ply.
The hottie cover has a history. This was made from a jumper my Mum was making when she was told she had cancer. She never finished it. I found the jumper peices in her stash recently and after shaking my head over the colours and texture I saw a way to have something that mum knitted. Not as a jumper though. The front and back are the same so I frogged them back to a lenght that fitted over a hottie, did a 3needle cast off and sewed up the side. The ribbing became the neck and I now have a cuddle from mum again 15 years after her death. I am making the other one for my sister, I am certain that she will also feel mum's arms around her when she holds it too.

This yarn is my first attempt to spin specifically for socks. It is from my flock of corredale sheep and the colour will NOT wash out or fade. The sheep grew it like this.
Offers will be considered.
I would have to say that for that quality it would take a good 4 hours spinning time for a regular sized bobbin
I'm going to guess 5 and a half hours.
Oh, by the way, you have an interesting blog. :)
im guessing all afternoon..from lunch til when the kids came home .
i hope you are able to resurrect your bas .. that is nothing short of disasterous
That is such a lovely way to remember your mother's knitting. I remeber my mum knitting in the car and in front of the fire on winter nights. We all (4 kids) wore hand knitted until I was a teenager and wanted a "proper bought jumper!!"
My guess for the spinning is 4.75 hours
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