Monday, May 02, 2005

New to it

Hello and welcome to my first post and blog. I live on the south coast of Victoria Australia outside the city of Geeolong. I run about thirty black and white crossbred sheep. I spin and knit with their wool. This blog will be about my sheep, wool, spinning and knitting, with accasional asides to my family and farm.
I love spinning and knitting but my hands are almost at the point of being sent off to hospital for an operation as I get numb hands if I use them too much. So for me it is moderation in all my favourite pursuits.
I will be selling wool from time to time if anyone is interested, possibly sheep too.

OK off to work now. Got to feed the chooks then clean and process eggs before my darling man and 2yo get back from a delivery of eggs.

Bye ............

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